If you’re thinking of using a chat application on your next trip, you might be wondering whether TripTogether is a good choice. This TripTogether review focuses on the cost and features of this service, and how it compares to travelmeetdate. In addition, we’ll discuss Danielle’s experience with the program.
Review of TripTogether
In our TripTogether review, we discovered that the app is not for the faint of heart. Instead, it is for people who love to travel. While there are some flaws, the service is worth a try. Users can create a profile to share travel interests and find fellow travelers. The app is available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows.
Price of membership
A Price of Trip Together membership provides access to all of the benefits of the site. It is a 12-month commitment but there are some restrictions. For instance, members cannot book their next destination less than seven days in advance. They also cannot book an extra trip while they have a current reservation. However, once a reservation is confirmed, members can make extra trips.