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How to Get a German Driving License

If you want to drive in Germany, obtaining a German driving license may be required of you. Unfortunately, this process can be costly if your country lacks reciprocal agreements with Germany. Check out the Best info about deutschen führerschein kaufen.

If your driver’s license from one of the reciprocity states is in order, the process should be much smoother; otherwise, exams and first aid courses must be taken before entering Canada.


If your driver’s license comes from one of the EU/EEA countries or states with full reciprocity with Germany, getting your German license should be relatively quick and painless. Otherwise, depending on where you come from, it may require more time and resources in terms of driving education before taking your test for a license in Germany.

To obtain a license in Germany, visit your local vehicle licensing office (Fuhrerscheinstelle), typically found in most towns and cities. Bring along both a valid license from your home country and its translated copy by a certified translator for submission. In addition, bring proof of identity such as a passport or Personalausweis card (Personalausweis).

Fuhrerscheinstelle will carefully evaluate all your documentation to ascertain that you meet all requirements for driving in Germany. If so, they will grant a provisional driving permit, which lasts three months within Germany only; should you pass the practical driving exam, they may send or ask you to pick up their actual license a few weeks later.

Based on your home country, obtaining a license may involve taking either a written theory exam or road test, in addition to having medical exams performed and attending first aid courses offered at Fuhrerscheinstelle in English. If either fails, another license application process must begin from scratch.

The time frame for acquiring your driver’s license depends on both its location and the size of the city. In major metropolitan centers like Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg, the process will likely move more quickly than in smaller places like Cologne or Erlangen. Therefore, it’s wise to familiarise yourself with this process early so you are well prepared when going to your local Fuhrerscheinstelle; additionally, it would be prudent to hire an instructor to assist in learning road rules, and taking tests is highly advised.


An international driving license is necessary if you plan to reside in Germany for more than a year. It is known for its highly advanced road system. To secure one, several steps must first be completed, including attending both theory and practical classes at an expensive driving school. When planning this endeavor, it is wise to carefully consider all costs involved before beginning this process.

Before applying, it is also necessary to attend a first aid course; depending on the class, you may incur a nominal fee for this. After this, all documentation must be presented to your local driving authority, be it a citizen’s office (Burgerburo) or county courthouse (Landratsamt). International driving schools offer services that help expedite this process but usually come at an additional cost.

Moving to Germany from another EU state may qualify for a waiver of both written and driving tests; this only applies if your original driver’s license remains valid in Germany and hasn’t expired prior to moving here; otherwise, the process can become more complex.

No matter if you come from within or outside the EU/EAA states, the process of acquiring a German driving license can be complex and lengthy. Most would benefit from hiring an experienced Fahrschule (driving school), which specializes in teaching students from diverse backgrounds. Such services typically provide first aid training as well as administrative costs and theory lessons required for license acquisition.

After passing your theoretical driving exam, students must complete 12 hours of practical lessons: five “over land” trips, four on the motorway, and three nighttime studies. They also need to pass a 45-minute driving exam that covers various elements of car functioning – getting your German driving license is no simple task and takes dedication, compliance, and careful planning.


Your license acquisition time may depend on where you come from and whether or not your country has reciprocity agreements with Germany, with those without reciprocity taking anywhere between two to six months to acquire their license through a Fahrschule (and their theory lessons and practice driving with an instructor in a usually manual car).

Your first-aid training and eye exams by an optician/ophthalmologist are also mandatory, with costs running anywhere from 1,500-2,040 euros for these services. To start driving in Germany as soon as possible, it’s wise to begin this process right away.

Germany differs significantly from many other countries when it comes to driving regulations, especially regarding blood alcohol levels, with any level over 0.05% considered drunk driving and your license potentially suspended if caught driving under the influence. Therefore, drivers must familiarize themselves with German road rules before going to Germany.

If your driving license was issued from within the EU or EEA countries, you’re allowed to use it until its expiration. When moving to Germany, however, local authorities must register it as well. In certain instances (typically when issued from countries like the UK and Netherlands or non-EU nations), translation into German may also be required – primarily if your original document was written in a language other than German.

In these instances, professional translation services like Lingoking offer fast and affordable certified translations accepted by all German offices. Before ordering from Lingoking, though, make sure that your driving office agrees with this form of translation first – we may earn a small commission when you click this link and make a purchase at no extra cost to yourself – helping support our work while helping provide you with peace of mind that we only recommend services we trust! Learn more here


To drive in Germany, a driving license is a prerequisite. Your state-issued driver’s license may suffice during your stay; however, registration with your local Fuhrerscheinstelle office must also take place free of charge; this process requires a valid passport, proof of identity documents, and medical certificate as well as written test or road test participation. It should be noted that driving laws and regulations differ significantly from those found within the US before starting to move.

Apart from understanding the rules of the road, it’s also essential to gain an understanding of German drinking and driving laws. While you are legally permitted to drink while driving in the US, German law is much stricter in this regard; arrest can occur for drunk driving if your blood alcohol content exceeds 0.5%; upon conviction, your driver’s license could be suspended for up to one year.

Location is critical when it comes to German driving licenses; eligible countries can be found on the German government’s website. Importantly, however, that license renewal can only take place in its original country of issue; should you move back there later on, you will need to re-register and pass a road test in order to renew it again.

Gaining your German driving license can be an exhausting and time-consuming process. To obtain one, it takes between two to six months and requires passing through a Fahrschule (driving school). While some schools provide intensive courses that cover more of the basics than usual, these are expensive and cannot guarantee you pass your exam. Also, keep in mind that your driving license only remains valid for 15 years, so make an appointment four weeks prior to its expiry date at your local licensing authority to renew it on time.

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