Since 2001, China’s government has implemented a basic medical insurance scheme for urban residents. This new system replaces their labor-based healthcare policy, which reimbursed up to 100% of workers’ medical fees. Have the Best information about Chinese medical feild.
Chinese medicine contains thousands of herbal, animal (including human ), and mineral remedies designed to restore balance between yin and yang. A comprehensive list can be found in Bencao Gangmu (the Great Pharmacopoeia).
China’s multi-tiered social health insurance system comprises three components, namely Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance (UEBMI), New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme (NRCMS), and Urban Residents Basic Medical Insurance (URBMI). Of these components, two are funded through employee and employer payroll taxes, with formal sector employees required to purchase them; households can buy private medical coverage via work units or individuals as well.
Multiple studies have examined the effects of various medical insurance schemes in China on healthcare utilization. UEBMI, NRCMS, and URBMI studies have all concluded that enrolling in these schemes reduces healthcare costs through lower out-of-pocket expenditures; however, results depend on each scheme’s design and implementation process.
Recent research analyzed data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey (2011) and 2015 using coarsened exact matching to control for potential confounding factors and found that integration of UE and NRCMS increases benefits for outpatient care in both rural and urban areas while increasing the probability of receiving outpatient visits, suggesting it has helped decrease income-related inequities when accessing healthcare services. Additionally, authors discovered insurance status is a significant predictor of patient satisfaction – those insured through UEBMI were significantly happier with quality than those without.
China provides medical care as a public service funded by both local and central governments. Preventive services, including immunizations and disease screenings, are covered under a separate public health benefit package financed by the central government; everyone is eligible for this without copayments or deductibles. Maternity care services have also been integrated into basic insurance plans, with copayments for doctor visits or prescription drugs varying depending upon hospital type.
China’s public hospitals can be divided into three tiers, each offering increasingly advanced equipment and are more likely to be affiliated with universities. Higher-tier hospitals can accept patients without referral from general practitioners and hire higher-paid staff members – factors that contribute to China’s high healthcare costs.
Chinese hospitals tend to be large and can accommodate many patients at once, boasting highly qualified physicians specializing in various fields who are capable of diagnosing complex illnesses quickly and providing treatment. Furthermore, most Chinese hospitals feature both traditional Chinese medicine departments as well as modern Western medical wards for better patient care.
Although China falls below international healthcare standards, they have made remarkable advances in reducing personal financial burdens. For example, free vaccination against the COVID-19 pandemic is provided free. Furthermore, over 1,203 million citizens now possess health insurance policies.
China treats doctors as salaried employees who receive pay based on experience and medical level, with higher-rated hospitals often paying more. Physicians may be eligible for bonuses if they meet specific performance standards.
Many physicians work at private hospitals that are privately owned and funded through foreign investment. Although such hospitals tend to be more advanced than government-controlled ones, commodification issues still arise as patients must pay out-of-pocket for treatments while insurance coverage remains limited.
China faces an acute shortage of doctors, particularly in rural areas, due to many students dropping out before finishing their studies and specialist shortages in specific fields.
Zhong Nanshan, a pulmonologist, is one of the best-known Chinese physicians, being best known for his work during the SARS outbreak and for challenging official lines that downplayed its severity. However, there are numerous other notable and celebrated Chinese physicians. Here is a list of some of them – both born in China as well as those who immigrated elsewhere – although many remain relatively unknown to most of us.
China’s national health care system provides near-universal coverage. Funded through employer and employee payroll taxes for urban workers as well as central and local government subsidies for rural residents, its coverage includes basic medical insurance, hospitalization, primary and specialty care services, prescription drugs, and traditional Chinese medicine – its expansion has reduced income-based disparities while poverty remains an issue.
Contrasting Western-style health care, which emphasizes evidence-based practice, China’s traditional medicine relies more heavily on empirical observation and experience. Practitioners must first obtain permission and certification from their government before engaging in treatments like acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion (burning of herbs through heated glass cups applied directly to the skin), cupping (placing hot glass cups on the skin surface), herbal medications or breathing techniques or Tai chi for healthcare delivery.
Traditional Chinese medicine was developed within a framework of cosmology that connected humans and nature. Concepts such as yin yang and the Five Phase Theory–classifying elements wood, fire, earth, metal, and water–were utilized to explain human illness.
Traditional Chinese medicine is now widespread throughout the United States and worldwide, and its future is tied to what answers can be provided regarding its safety and efficacy and how well it fits within modern healthcare systems. To achieve optimal results in this work, interdisciplinary teams composed of epidemiologists, anthropologists, sinologists, and specialists in cultural studies of science should conduct such an endeavor.
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