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Alcoholism Treatments

Whatever we call it, alcoholism treatment, chronic alcohol abuse, alcohol dependency syndrome, alcohol addiction, alcohol misuse, and alcohol problems is essentially the same. The severity of alcohol problems and the associated medical and social morbidity will determine treatment. Best way to buy ibogaine hcl online.

The catch is in the primary psychiatric pathology: those with the most problems are the least likely to recognize them. Denial is seen at its most extreme when the wino on the park bench believes that they only have a housing and employment problem. Others believe that their main issue is depression, which often coexists with alcoholism, and that they are attempting to treat it with medication to avoid suicide. Alcohol is viewed as a source of comfort rather than a source of all problems.

As a result, treatment must begin with an assessment designed to gather factual information that can be used to counteract denial and reach an accurate diagnosis. This becomes difficult when the individual who has lost their job, partner, and driving license returns to the pub for solace. As a result, the assessment must collect as much evidence as possible on the various negative consequences of the individual’s alcohol consumption.

Consistently high alcohol consumption hurts every aspect of life: professional, personal, marital, financial, social, physical, and emotional. No other disease has such wide-ranging damaging consequences.

People who know the individual well, whether at home, at work, or in a social setting, can be asked to assess the individual’s behavior after consuming alcohol. If there is a significant change in mood and behavior, this raises the possibility of a genetic predisposition to alcoholism.

Magazine questionnaires are frequently inaccurate. They are made up of journalists who may have something to hide. They would tend to draw the line between alcohol problems and everyday social use on the outskirts of their behavior. Proper assessment must be made on characteristics specific to an addictive tendency and covering a variety of addictions and related disorders.

The following are the twelve significant factors:

1) Being content to drink alone

2) Being preoccupied with drinking or not drinking

3) Using alcohol as a medicine, antidepressant, tranquilizer, or sleeping tablet
4) Using alcohol to alter one’s mood rather than for its taste or conviviality.
5) Supply protection by wasting time, energy, and money on alcohol when it could have been better spent elsewhere.
6) The inability to predict what will happen after the first drink on any day. Will it stop there, or will it go on a binge?
7) Having a greater capacity than others. Again, this tolerance is lost in the later stages.
8) Continuing to drink despite significant consequences
9) The propensity to become addicted to nicotine or caffeine, recreational drugs, prescription drugs, gambling, and risk-taking.
10) Alcohol-seeking behavior involves actively seeking opportunities to obtain and consume alcohol.
11) Alcoholism: the need to consume alcohol before engaging in certain activities.
12) Continuing to drink despite the serious concerns of others.

Positive responses to any four of these characteristics indicate the need for an assessment by a professional specializing in alcoholism.

A negative response to these questions may indicate a ‘not yet.’ However, as alcoholism becomes more entrenched, these characteristics become established.

People frequently falsely reassure themselves that they do not have a problem by claiming that they do not drink in the morning, that they do not drink spirits, or that they have never been arrested for drunk driving. Yet, many people could say those three things even if they have serious problems.

Most people who have significant alcohol problems and have toxic effects on the liver and central nervous system are still employed. They may be shielded by coworkers who believe the drinker is drowning their sorrows caused by problems at home or stress and trauma elsewhere. The truth is that the person drinks because they want to. The first drink is followed by the next until intoxication occurs. They may be able to stop drinking entirely for some time, but this will not last once the alcohol craving returns.

Many other people deal with complicated domestic or social issues but do not use alcohol or other mood-altering substances or processes. People with alcohol problems may have as many justifications, explanations, and rationalizations as the arm that lifts the glass to the mouth.

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